Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Randomness & Determinism : The Illusion of Chaos, Or The Fallacy of Determinism!

RANDOMNESS must be defined as the inability to predict the outcome of  an event..which you will see fairly at various sources of word definitions. Though such definitions does not make any claims suggesting randomness being the inherent part of the universe. Moreover, you might be assuming that if a reliable pattern is not found as well as reliable prediction cannot be surmised then there is a play of randomness, somewhere. Yet, just because a pattern has not been found or the predictions seems impossible to be sought out, doesn't mean there is no pattern. So, there lies the possibility of DETERMINISM, and thus all events/processes labeled as random are just 'apparently' random. 

Obviously, the universe has a bunch of rules to be followed by its dwellers. That is, there are couple of aspects for any event to be truly random, what can be given as: Unpredictability and Randomness. Asking for something to be truly random usually means asking for more than it be just unpredictable. This is the point over which the seekers of Quanta battles the disciples of Sir. This is the battle for survival of the appropriate scientific belief that will guide us to the future where the notion of THE TRUE RANDOMNESS IS JUST THE MATTER OF PAST HUMAN MISBELIEFS. Yet, the battle still remains unconcluded, as the new opponent that is Quantum Mechanics comes into picture to defeat Newtonian Mechanics.

Let's take one-to-one examples from above two disciplines as to figure out the long sought answer..

The Butterfly Effect is the well known concept depicted in the eponymous movie - "The Butterfly Effect". which was nominalized from the famous plot of Lorenz attractor (as shown below).

The behavior of Lorenz attractor strictly depends upon the initial conditions and certain parametric values. Even the slightest change in the initial conditions shall result in large unforeseen result that sometimes can be predicted if accurate information regarding of the initial conditions is known, which in real world is greatly challenging to procure from natural-dynamic-processes. Thus, what seems to be chaotic in nature is not unpredictable at all, but pseudo-chaotic. I would suggest these processes are though non-linear and seemingly chaotic but they are driven by laws of Physics. Hence, this represents the deterministic behavior suggesting that nature is not so randomized at all. But, the information is greatly challenging for us to accurately observe at any moment that the process becomes seemingly unpredictable, and so random. Although the hope should be pertained that in distant future mankind will be able to collect accurate information about the nature that no processes or events shall be considered random or chaotic or unpredictable. 

Let's take another example to suggest the deterministic behavior of nature that even tiny Electrons do follow. This is about The Single Electron Double Slit Experiment. 

Inhere, electrons are sent into double-slit apparatus one at a time, resulting single point appearing on the screen, as expected. However, an interference pattern emerges when successive hits are passed through the slits. That is strange for an individual particle in a way that also shows probabilistic wave behavior. 

Remarkably, what initially seems to be the random positioning of deflected electrons on the screen is guided by certain hidden parameters carried over along the particles, after they were originated from the gun. These hidden variables accounts for the precise location of each particle such that it forms an Interference pattern as shown in the adjoining figure. 

Thus, it can be suggested that even the sub-atomic particles, in the quantum world, follows certain rules, although indiscernible but true, that is the reason they are called hidden. 

The behavior of particles in quantum world can be even more spookier than what was been observed from the above experiment. As, in the quantum world there are no Newtonian Laws to lock particles with each other but this is a whole new alien world, whose mysteries are been unraveled by the quantum physicists. 

So, in the end..who is the winner of this battle for truth. Well..I would suggests everything is the universe (or whatever you call it), seems to follow certain rules. Either understood or not, these rules determine the way everybody dances in the cosmic ball.          

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Are We walking on A Broken Glass?

Is the path we are walking on is as stable as it seems!

Curiosity and skepticism are two vital characteristics of a human being, which has grown roots of pure belief  deep-down into the fertile human skins. It is very hard to even comprehend the nature of a higher force governing what should be seem real or fake. Without the influence of a governing force such as God, the world might seem as random at the same time, as predictable. That's contradictory, right! But, seems true. 

Having fear of a power higher above, confine one off doing whatever they desire of doing that is against the laws of nature. But, have you ever thought of doing something exactly out of comic books, just like Dr. Strange. Well! I am not going to discuss about whole comic book heroes/villains in here, but if anyone of you have ever read comic book story of Dr. Strange that he is able to detach himself from the universe itself such that he feels like he is the universe.

Moreover, this is not just the case of a comic-book story. This is possible in the "real" world. Aleister Crowley was man known as founder of a religion named Thelema as well as for his interests in ceremonial magic. Though, people called him an occultist due to his thoughts for Paganism. He was influenced by variety of religious as well as scientific ideas of Hindu Yoga, Buddhism, Ontological Naturalism, Western Esotericism and of-course ceremonial magic.    

Crowley believed in the objective existence of the "magick". He provide various different definitions for the word. In one of his many books with the Title "Magick in Theory", he defined magick as 
  "The science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will".
 He also told his disciple that 
"Magick is getting into communication with individuals who exist at plane higher than ours. Mysticism is the raising of oneself to their level."
According to Crowley, there are several ways to view what Magick is, at its most broad it can be viewed as any willed action leading to intended change. At the practical level, magick most often takes several practices such as banishing, purification, consecration, Invocation, Evocation, and Eucharist. In Crowley's context these practices have different meanings.

Getting an enlightenment that you can change the nature itself according to you will, really gives hope that there is yet more to know and comprehend to, including the notion of God. And you should not rule out the possibility that if God has made us in his own image, then we can do what he can do and comprehend what he can.

Notion of God

Hey, ya seekers of 'magics and logics'..you all might be wondering your place in this grand design of the creator of all that is! The Mighty Father - "Figure" or Physicist's Alleged B.B.T., whatever that gave birth to this world of yours.

In here, I do not intend to talk about platitudinous people, who call themselves atheist and some say theist, but aspire ya all to contemplate the notion of God in a more subtle sense. Let's consider the word God, taken as a compilation of either of two different sense of contemplation : Pragmatic or Idealistic. Though, being pragmatic does not indicate atheistic behavior neither being Idealistic indicates theistic behavior. But, being cynical with a sense of pure skepticism leads to the way through the dark forest of ignorance to the place where conscience has always conquered false beliefs and rudimentary skepticism.

Let's take an account from the story of The Binding of Isaac from The Hebrew Bible, where god asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac to prove his faith in God, himself. In turn, when Abraham was going to slain his only beloved son, an angel called out from heaven to withhold Abraham from sacrificing his son to God. Moral of the story: "God abhor child sacrifice and wants his children to prove their faith in him".    

So, was it Abraham who feared God so much that he was tempted to kill his only son bestowed by his own God or was it God, himself who feared of losing faith of his children! This concerns the perception of the reader. Likely, If one consider that Abraham feared God, he might be Idealistic, or if one considered God who worried for fidelity from his children, he might be pragmatic in his own views. Although, having a view that this story is absurd in its contextual form does imply that there is more to be scrutinized.